1. Get Fit: Probably the number one resolution on most people's list, but there is a reason why gym attendance spikes in January and tappers off as the year presses on. We are all busy and it's just tough to find time to make it to the gym. What if you made the gym come to you? Here are a few stellar home gyms that leave no room for excuses...

2. Get Organized: This is a biggie. No one wants to be featured on the show Hoarders and we can all get a little overwhelmed by the day to day onslaught of things (mail, laundry, school papers, work papers, toys - the list goes on and on). One great way to get organized is to enlist the help of built-in storage and management centers like these...

3. Reduce, Reuse, Recycle: It's never too late to become environmentally conscious and there are many ways your home can help you become an eco-friendly consumer...
You can find many home building products that are made from recycled products like the above recycled glass countertops by Verazzo. Bottles, lamps and wine glasses are turned into beautiful mosaics that make up kitchen and bathroom countertops.

You can also use recycled metal products in your home. Metals like steel, aluminum and copper are made into framing, siding and roofing products.
4. Spend Less, Save More: Due to an increased number of people looking to accomplish resolution #3, there are now plenty of resources you can use to save money in your home...
Energy Star apppliances like dishwashers, washers and dryers use 20-30% less energy than federal standards and can give you significant savings on your monthly utilities.
source: http://www.energystar.gov/index.cfm?fuseaction=find_a_product.showProductGroup&pgw_code=FU

image source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Energy_Star
Furnace efficiencies are reflected in their annual fuel-utilization-efficiency (AFUE) ratings. To qualify as Energy Star, furnaces have AFUE rating of 85% and 90% or higher, making it up to 15% more efficient than standard furnaces. Since heating and cooling makes up roughly 54% of your utility bill each month, you can see how quickly savings will add up.
5. Learn Something New: As Benjamin Franklin once said, "a house is not a home unless it contains food and fire for the mind as well as the body." Make sure you have a place in your home that is conducive to learning...

6. Spend more time with family and friends: This is my favorite resolution because it's one that is enjoyable to accomplish! The natural place to spend your time with family and friends is your home, so why not make it a place that makes it easy to entertain.
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